Shipping FAQs

Here are answers to our most frequently asked shipping questions (FAQs). 

When will my order ship? 

We ship orders by Monday or Tuesday each week using UPS Ground so plants arrive safely within 3 days.

Now shipping to 47 states in US via UPS

  • Cutoff is midnight Sunday to ship the following week. 
  • When you place your order you will immediately receive a confirmation email.
  • When we ship your order you will receive another email with the tracking info. 
  • If you have a seedling emergency, contact us and we will do our best to help you!
    • We are not responsible for seedlings damaged by extreme hot or cold temperatures during travel.

Pick Up & Drop In Orders —

  • When can I pick up my order or drop-in to shop?
    • Our greenhouse is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 9a-12p (weather permitting).
    • We are also available by appointment. Email or call us to schedule an appointment. We will do everything possible to accommodate  🙂
  • Go to Directions for detailed directions to the greenhouse (it’s tricky!)


Our Policy for Shipping Live Plants is Satisfaction Guaranteed!

We promise to only ship high quality, healthy seedlings!
If something happens between our house and yours and your seedlings incur shipping damage or do not arrive happy,
please send photos and details to immediately to be covered under our guarantee.
If unhappy seedlings are planted immediately in your Tower Garden and they do not improve within 5 days,
we will replace 5 or more seedlings or refund less than 5 damaged seedlings. 
After 5 days we trust our seedlings are in good hands! 
Got Questions? Contact us


Example of tray with seedlings ready to ship

We ask ourselves that every day! The repeated answer is “it is what it is”. We use UPS Ground because it has proven to be the safest, most reliable and most affordable option. We are constantly evaluating other options but each one compromises safety and reliability for cost. We are not willing to work hard to grow healthy plants for your future food and then have them lost or delayed. We stand behind our plants and your trust is important too. 

When is the best time to order?
Good question! The best time to place online orders is Wednesday. Orders received Monday-Sunday ship on Monday or Tuesday so our online inventory is at it’s lowest on Monday before we update inventory after shipping on Tuesday. 

What if what I want is out of stock?
If any item you want is out of stock be sure to set an alert! You will be notified as soon as the item is available. Also feel free to email us about availability. If you need to place a large order or make special requests, please contact us. We love to hear from you!

When and what should I plant in my Tower Garden?
Our online inventory is grouped by Categories. Check out each category to see what is currently available. Also checkout our Pinterest “What to Grow” board for great options (a Pinterest account not required). Also visit the Tower Garden website for great resources on plants you can grow and how to grow. 

What do I do when my seedlings arrive?
Read our Best Practices for Transferring Seedlings about caring for your seedlings after they arrive. There will also be a care sheet in the shipping box with instructions. To remove the seedlings from the deep trays, gently use your finger or a pencil/pen with a flat top into the hole in the bottom of the tray. Gently push until the seedling becomes loose and the seedling will come out. Be careful not to tug on the leaves or the stems from the top until the rockwool is loose on the bottom.

My seedlings arrived, they look beautiful but how do I know what is what? 
Your seedlings will be shipped in a tray with an orange dot or painted orange corner. Your packing list and a Best Practices/Seedling Chart is also included. The top of the Seedling Chart says “Turn the tray so the ORANGE dot or ORANGE CORNER is in the top left position – this is Seedling #1”. Your packing list has hand-written numbers along the left side. These numbers correspond to the tray slots – #1 on the list is the first slot at the top left with the orange corner. #2 is to the right, etc. #6 is the first seedling of the 2nd row, etc. 

How are your seedlings shipped? When will they arrive? 
We ship seedlings via UPS 3-day ground from Ball Ground, Georgia. We ship in deep plastic trays that hold the seedlings upright and securely during transport in plain brown boxes. We ship on Mondays or Tuedays so they will arrive Tuesday – Friday depending on your location.  (We are constantly researching shipping options for the best pricing and reliability.)

UPS My Choice users: When we create the UPS label for your order you may receive a notification from UPS that your order has shipped. All orders ship on Monday or Tuesday each week. After we have packed your order you will receive an email from with the tracking info. Once UPS picks up and scans your box you can follow the UPS tracking info. Until it is scanned, the UPS info will only say “Label Created”.

Is there a  minimum or maximum number of seedlings I can order?
Nope, you can order 1 or more. But… the shipping cost is about the same for 1 or 20 so we recommend ordering as many as you can at one time to reduce the total cost per seedling.

Are your seedlings Organic?
Our seedlings are grown naturally to organic standards from non-GMO seeds with no synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. For more details, read our article To Be (Organic) or Not To Be

Can I put your seedlings directly into the Tower Garden?
Yes! Seedlings purchased from ATL Urban Farms are grown in the same rockwool that comes with your Tower Garden and should be planted as soon as they arrive.  

Can I plant rockwool seedlings in a dirt garden or container?
Yes! Before planting in soil make sure the roots are coming out of the rockwool and remove any excess rockwool without damaging the roots. Keep the remaining rockwool moist until the roots are well established in the soil. Never let rockwool dry out and choke the roots before the roots are strong. 

When purchasing seedling package, do they all have to be the same?
Absolutely not. You can choose any combination of seedlings we have seasonally available. If searching for a particular type of plant, use our Products by Category or Tags to filter your search.

Do you offer discounts for large orders and/or wholesale pricing? 
Yes, sorta. We are working on an online wholesale and volume program but we aren’t there yet. If you are interested in either, please contact us and we’ll work together to meet your needs. 

My seedlings arrived and they appear a little yellow and sad. Is this normal?
Yes. Your seedlings have spent 1-3 days in a box without exposure to light or nutrients so it is not unusual for them to arrive a little sad. It’s helpful to know “seed leaves” vs “true leaves” too. First leaves are the seed leaves that germinate. The 2nd set of leaves are called “true leaves”. If the “first leaves” are yellow, no worries, they will die off. If mature “true” leaves are brown or wilted this is not normal. Please contact us immediately to address any plants that arrive dead.

Do you guarantee your seedlings?
Yes! Our policy is satisfaction guaranteed! Our mission is to feed families and we are proud to grow and ship strong, healthy seedlings. Even though we can’t guarantee what happens between our house and yours, we can’t fulfill our mission if you can’t grow food. We just ask that you notify us IMMEDIATELY of any issues and send pictures to help us determine if there was a problem we need to address and improve.

PS There is a difference between damaged seedlings and distressed seedlings. When seedlings arrive they may be sad from travel and need a couple days with good light and nutrients to recover. They will flourish quickly and sometimes miraculously. If you feel they are especially sad and you notify us, we can help in the adjustment process. If they take a turn for the worse while in your care with our help, we will happily replace, refund or offer a credit. If they take a turn for the worse and we are not notified until later, it is too late for us to mediate and we both lose.

How big will the seedlings be when I receive them?
The seedlings will be between a half inch and 3 inches in size, depending on the crop. They will have roots showing and ready to plant directly in your garden. There is a narrow window between big enough to ship and too big to ship so sometimes we have to make last minute substitutions or adjustments.

My seedlings didn’t arrive on time or the box arrived beat up. What should I do?
Snap a photo of the seedlings (and box if the box is clearly damaged) and email it to as soon as possible. We will replace, refund or offer a credit. The pictures are important for us to file a damage claim with UPS.

I am unable to plant my seedlings in my Tower Garden immediately. How long can they survive without being planted?
That depends. To keep seedlings healthy until planting, they need a minimum 6 hours of sunlight or 16 hours of LED light a day and water or nutrients. They can survive a couple of weeks with good care but they will not thrive until they are planted. Be sure to water them every day and never let the rockwool dry out. Use nutrients 2-3 times a week if possible. Do not overwater or sit in standing water. Leaving rockwool in water or nutrients can cause root damage.

Can I keep the seedlings indoors?
Under LED lights yes but natural indoor light through UV-protected windows is not usually enough for healthy plant growth. All plants require UV/sunlight for healthy growth or they will grow weak and stretch in search of light. Once a plant starts to do this there is no turning back the clock. Even if it is cold put the plants outside at least 6 hours in a sunny location in the afternoon and bring them back inside during the evening. If it is very hot outside, place them outside for 6 hours in the morning.   


Need help? Call/text 770.678.6552 or email

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