Pests & Diseases

There are many great resources online about pests & diseases for Tower Gardeners. Google is our best friend 🙂

We have compiled a few here for easy access too!


  • On Pinterest @ Tower Garden: Pests & Diseases
    • Houston, we have a problem! Find lots of pest management and disease solutions here!
    • A note here on pests especially aphids — indoor gardens are actually more susceptible to pests than outdoor gardens. If you are in an area with lots of people – schools, restaurants, gyms, your home – start a pest management program BEFORE you have a pest management problem. We grow yummy food to be enjoyed by people, not pests.




If you don’t find what you need, call Tower Garden support @ 1-800-347-6350 or contact us.

We are all here to help you grow the healthiest, most delicious food with your Tower Garden!

Need help? Call/text 770.678.6552 or email

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